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Ever Accountable Works…

Does Ever Accountable work?

The answer is a resounding yes! 95% of people saw a significant reduction in porn use after their first month! This difference in porn use is so significant that most people (63%) saw their porn use go all the way to zero. Here is the data.

Success quitting porn

Even for that minority who did view some porn, the amount and severity was significantly less:

“I can honestly say since installing the app in January 2017 I have only looked at porn once. I am not downplaying anything but even that one viewing was a couple of pictures not videos which is huge for me… I honestly feel I am walking in freedom. My relationship with my wife is being repaired, ten times better than before January. I feel when I lay back in bed at night there is no one in my mind or between us.” – Christian Easton

Why Ever Accountable works

Ever Accountable works because it is based on a timeless and true principle – that STRENGTH and POWER comes from being accountable to another person.

Could you or someone you love benefit from being accountable? The benefits of staying away from porn extend to every aspect of our lives. Get Ever Accountable today!

-Tyler Patterson

Founder and President, Ever Accountable

Success Quitting Porn with Ever Accountable quote